
Choosing the Right Acne Medication

Acne is a popular and common problem that almost every individual experienced it at some stage in life. It is commonly experienced during the teen ages at the adolescence stage but also in adulthood. There are many people having issues and challenges with acne and that is why there are many medications available on the market today due to the increased number of manufacturers. The availability of the many medications has made people make so many mistakes and fall for the wrong kind of medication. In many situations, acne is always mild and disappears after sometimes but some people do experience severe conditions that need medical intervention of a specialist. Seeing a dermatologist is the best way to finding the right medication for your acne.

Before choosing a certain type of medication, there are some facts and considerations you should be aware of. First, you should know your skin type. Do just go to the pharmacy or chemist and buy any acne medication before you know the kind of skin you have. Different medications are designed for different skin types. What works well for your friend could cause you negative effects if you use. Acne prescriptions are always designed for different types of patients. You should also know the different types of acne medications available on the market today; topical medication, antibiotics, and isotretinoin.  Different kinds of medications have different ways of usage and applications. We have the oral medicines that are swallowed and we have those meant for external application only. You should understand the different types of medications before settling on them. Go to to know more. 

The topical medication is used alongside other medicated lotions and is thought to be the most effective. They are of great use for people with mild acne problem. The antibiotics are used to kill bacteria and used to cure acne that topical medication could not. Such kinds of medications need to be prescribed by a doctor. Isotretinoin is used to treat extreme cases. Just like antibiotics you need the guidance of a specialized doctor. An understanding of the different types of medications helps you make a wise decision while choosing. Treatment depends on the condition of your acne. You should also look out for the expiry date of the medications.  If you need medication, do not go back to an old prescription or borrow it from a friend. Expired medicines are harmful and can cause adverse effects on your skin instead of being a positive medicine. Also look out for fake medications as they are available in the market and take up the higher percentage of the sales made. Know more about welchol here.